The single greatest “people skill” is a highly developed & authentic interest in the other person.
Bob Burg
Strength of relationships in your life largely impacts the quality of your life. Therefore, make sure that you encourage your kid to keep in touch with important people in his life – friends, teachers, relatives, etc.
Top 3 things you could do with your kid right now
1. Ask your kid to call to her friends on their birthdays
Your kid is likely to be invited to many birthday parties of her classmates and friends. And if she is invited, she most probably brings gifts and congratulates the celebrating person. But how does she behave if there is no birthday party? Or if she is not invited?
Together with your kid, make a list of people that are important in her life. Make sure your kid knows when their birthdays are. Help her mark birthday dates on her calendar. When the birthday comes closer, ask your kid what that person likes. How could she surprise him? Help her in choosing the birthday gift. Encourage to call to the person when the day comes.
2. Send letters to the people who made huge positive impact
Ask your kid who were the main people who made huge positive impact on him in the last month. Ask him to write a letter to those people and send it. Nowadays social media could be used for sending thank-you notes to the people that deserved them.
Repeat this exercise regularly, so that your kid becomes more grateful for what he has and connects to the people that are important to him. Who knows, maybe tomorrow these strong relationships could bring lots of joy to your kid.
3. Explain to your kid how to behave when somebody treats her with disrespect
Strength of relationships has two sides. From one side, your kid has to foster the good relationships, so that she has strong background should she need it. From another side, she has to be able to stay away from toxic relationships.
How do you teach your kid to behave when somebody treats her with disrespect? Fight back? Be silent? Tell somebody?
It is very important to explain to your kid that disrespect has to be stopped. But it is also very important to explain that physical strength cannot be used to stop it. Ask your kid to use her brain in those situations. How can she stop the bad guy without fighting back? Help her think! Explore the options. She has to know several ways of behaving if she happens to be in such a situation.
The possible options to consider:
- Walk away
- Use a strong voice
- Tell somebody
- Stay in a group
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